Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can anyone help me find a clothing item?

I'm looking for a sweater. A nice elegant white sweater(It can be crocheted or fleece or whatever. as long as it's nice.) It has to have long sleeves, has to be white, of course. Needs to be at least hip length and last but certainly not least, it cannot be over $30.00. I'm still looking online. Can anyone give a little help? Oh, and it has to be on up or zip up, not pull over.

Difference between fate and destiny?

Hi all...I'm an English learner...and came across this lets call it little dispute I had with someone..and we stumble upon those two words: fate and destiny...Would you native speakers consider those two being synonyms or is there a slight difference in meaning. I would appreciate your input. Thank you

Religious question anyone..which is it now ,one or the other and why the contradiction?

Scholars believe that there are two different Gods. The God in the old testament apparently is evil and the one in the new testament is good. I wonder if Satan is the God in the old testament because when Adam and Eve ate that forbidden fruit they were shunned and Satan took over the world (which God had given to Adam) and then Jesus came along which is in the new testament.

Help to memorize PLU codes?

I found this on google: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a if nothing else you could print them out then put them in an order that fits your needs & copy them onto index cards. For some reason index cards always helped me study and they are small and portable. Good Luck!

What lineups do you like best if the Heat end up with Rose or Beasley?

Rose because they really don't have a good PG and they already have a SF in Marion if he stays. I think if some how they get Rose and re-sign Marion they could get back into the playoffs next season. BUT THATS A LOT OF IFS

What is your opinion on Sam's Club Member's Mark Exceed Lamb and Rice dog food?

It is a great food. I feed it to my dog and he has a beautiful coat. It is worth every cent. I like that the first ingredient is meat, too.

What is "State of Matter?"?

I understand the 4 different stages (solid, liquid, gas, plasma). But I am doing a crossword puzzle for a quiz and one of the questions asks "State of Matter" but the last letter ends with an E & has 5 letters total. Does anybody have any idea? :) Thank you

Is this really possible or real?!?!?

The move that is in some movies or series (simpsons) some guy can but his hand on a another guys shoulder and press then the guy fells a sleep is it possible somehow or something really wanna know and if it is can anyone do this to anyone and can anyone learn it and where can it be learned :O

Would someone who's truly a straight-talker need to ride in a circus train named "the Straight-Talk Express"?

Would someone who is really a straight-talker need to resort to those kinds of gimmicks? And why does McCain go around endlessly boasting that he's humble and never brags about himself? Can't republicans see the contradiction there? He's always shamelessly selling himself to the public about how's he's a "1) humble, 2) straight-talking, 3) maverick-like, 4) war-hero POW who also has 5) integrity!" He never misses an opportunity to tell the public that, just like Rudy Guiliani never misses an opportunity to talk about 9/11. In every television appearance, he'll drill those marketing points in. Why in the world do republicans fall for it every time?


If it makes you feel better, I hate Christianity and Judaism as much as Islamic faiths. :] Not the people, mind, just the crazy dogma.

Hiring A Professional Jazz Piano Player?

How much do professional jazz piano players charge per hour to play solo for banquets, functions, dinners, etc.? Particularly, traditional jazz, stride, swing and boogie woogie stuff?

Whats Better? please help?

The Intel Core 2 Duo is. Don't let the GHz numbers fool you. The flexibility of a dual core chip is far advanced over the Pentium.

Do You Like Sundays?

I don't like Sundays as much as Saturday, especially when it pes noon and I know that Monday is looming ahead.

BB10: Poor old Freddie!?

Im sorry but why in that arguement could Noireen say shut up to Sree, and then Sree says its nothing to do with u, and then Freddie says your shouting it makes it our business, then he gets shouted at by Lisa and Kris! They are seriously Pissin me off! Kris and Lisa need to back off. Do you agree?

I just got a faint BFP is that ok?

i am 8 days late and got a faint bfp with a dollar tree it ok that it is faint? and not bright bright?

I'm going to Alaska this weekend to see a girlfriend, what is the one thing i should do?

We are camping @ Millers Landing and checking out the Silver Salmon Derby. Any good resturants to try in the Anchorage, Seward area?

Don't you just love?......?

Christina Aguilera? I am so stoked for her new album coming out. I think she's so beautiful and has such a big heart :)


Your baby is acting like a boy? Hmm acting like something doesn't make it what it's acting like. I would go with what the ultra sound tech said because they are trained to do that. If they tell you more than likely that is what it is. However, there are mistakes made and sometimes it's not what they think it is but... I would go with what the tech said. I'm having a girl and everyone tells me I'm carrying her like a boy. Like where a boy would be i dont know. Her heartbeat was at the rate a boys was a few times. All babies are different so I wouldn't worry about that. But since your drs are saying that just tell them you were told it was a girl and want to be sure and ask that another ultra sound be done. The least they can do is tell you not without a medical purpose. You can always ask.

So how does it work with wearing more then one brand at once?

So, is it considered dorky to wear more then one brand labeled clothing at wearing American Eagle and Aeropostale in one outfit? What about mixing preppy brands like AE with surfer brands like Roxy? Are you a label if you were more then one piece of clothing with the same label at once?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do any of these celebs smoke ?

britney and simon cowell do without doubt, seen pics..doubt taylor swift does because her public image, children look up to her etc, madonna i dont think she does either shes all into health etc, kevin federline, almost positive he does too, hilary duff probbaly does

Is it considered cheating?

Girl, wake up and smell the coffee. I don't doubt he has some problems in his marriage. Is it possible that he has children with his wife and his wife is too consumed in their lives together and the children to pay attention to him the way he wants? You are giving him that attention. Of course his feelings for you started to grow. If you talk to someone long enough, you are going to start to have feelings for him. I don't believe he is separated from his wife and I don't believe he's planning on getting a divorce. It's time to wake up and find you a man that is not already attached to someone else.

Spring Imagery poem examples?

Im writing a poem for school. Its an imagery, and the theme is April/Spring. I need a few really creative ones for sound, smell, and feel. Thank you SOOO so much!

Are you hot or even remotely good looking?

I definately don't need some stranger like you telling me if I am pretty or not. If you are so sure about rating other people, why don't you post up a picture of yourself?

Where could i download these korn songs for free?

If you have firefox you could try (I think that's what it's called anyways). But if you download something it has to be the entire cd...

T.v show i really love but dont remeber wat itz called :( help!?

well my bros been bugging me a lot lately about a show we used to watch in summer. It came on channel 25 (YTV,) well last summer there was this show that came on everyday in the morning and it was about some kids who went to school and then like somewhere in the boiler room there was this evil scientist or something like that, and he had gles and a purple cape and had a rat that's name was rufus who could talk. They had this huge computer that changed the school into a jungle or had dinosaurs roaming the halls. I remember that one kid had a round face and wore a red cap..i think :S and there was this smart kid, one that was in luv with fashion adn another one. Does anyone noe the name of that show?

NFL: Who are some young players building a Hall Of Fame Resum� in your mind?

I agree with a lot of the list but I wouldnt count out Ngata, he switches from DE to Nose tackle and is good at both, plus his stats last year were quite impressive despite the success of the 4 LBs, ecspecially Lewis and Suggs (who is basically a blitz back)

Anyone ever order a jersey from

I was going to order a couple jerseys but the site seems suspicous because every jersey has 100% customer ratings of 5 stars each and they each have exactly 8 reviews. And also the reviews are sometimes inaccurate. For example it will say something about customers being happy that their lebron jersey came in time to cheer on their favorite team in the superbowl. Please let me kno if its a rip off

How is it the US Dollar is Fiddling itself to Destruction like the Roman silver denarius ?

I wonder if they ran out of silver. Is the world running out of things to base the economy on. Only the intellectuals who are manipulating things would know the real answer. Its for sure the American people are kept in the dark about what is really going on. Its just odd how much things have changed so quickly and so little is reported about it in the news. I keep wondering what to do with my 401k. Then I wonder if it really matters what I do with it if you know what I mean.

What's harder to find, Sasquatch or Packer fans who wanted Ted Thompson's head when he said no to Favre?

There sure were a lot of Packer fans screaming for Thompson's head when he had to gall to tell Favre to pound sand after he demanded his job back after retiring and spending the summer chasing white trash tail in Mississippi. Where did they all go, I can't find a single one of them.

Should I get my Tragus piercing?

I have 7 ear piercings. 3 on my right earlobe. 3 on my left earlobe. 1 helix piercing on my right ear. they were all done with guns. the other day me & my friend were walking by a jewelry shop. she was like u wanna get ur tragus pierced? i was like no. no more for me. i have way to many. so a few days later i started to think that maybe a tragus piercing on my right ear won't hurt. it's a great time to get it during the winter cuz ur ear will be num. and not sweaty in the summer. I'm 13. should i get my tragus pierced?

Fantasy Football RB Help!?

I no was should you play forte. I would probably go with AP and Frank Gore because barber isn't 100%

38 weeks pregnant and feeling very ill...?

It sounds more like some sort of infection (viral or bacterial) rather than anything related to the actual pregnancy. Personally I didn't have anything like that prior to giving birth. You may want to call your doctor Monday morning if you aren't feeling better. Drink lots of clear liquids, you do not want to get dehydrated.

I'm hung up on fiance's ex?

Normally I would say get over it, he is with you now. But maybe you should follow your instincts here, especially since you will be moving to such and unknown place. Maybe you should move there before you get married and see how it goes.

Aren't us American folks the epitome of sensitivity?

That's why we built a McDonald's at Hiroshima and a church at Wounded Knee. We are so sensitive we ignore the slaughter of innocent Iraqis, Afghans & Palestinians. Heck we're so busy complaining that a Islamic center a FEW blocks away from ground zero is insensitive, while there are more important things to worry about. We rule at this sensitivity thing.. don't you think?

What middle eastern girls are the best looking?

I think Syrian girls are very pretty. Lebanese girls tend to think they are hotter than they really are. Although it's not in the Middle East, Turkish girls are pretty too.

What type of girl do I seem like to you? Girly or something else? GIVE REASONS! ?

A perfect combination of all kind of girls! caring, strong, rebellious, sweet and smart !! Geek and chick girl is a exact word to talk about girls like you!!


i think ppl need to mind their business especially Jay Z he has no room to talk about someone beatin on a woman

What name should i go by (read description)?

Amanda Rose is my favorite. If you don't like it, I think you should at least include Rose in your stage name. It sounds famous. Or maybe Rose Oser. Hope I helped!

I need to reformat my HP HD i tried f10 key I get to the screen & I get this message - (see below)?

Usually you can reformat your computer by using and key at the boot screen. I am not sure if you need the disks considering I have a split drive and all of my operating system is on another drive. When reformatting my computer, It is my c drive.

My computer is not finding the hard drive what do I do?

I have purchased an advent computer on ebay and was told it was wiped clean by the previous owner. However, it was to have windows xp operating system on it and when starting it up it asks for a system disk (which I put in) and it says its not recognising the hard drive. Any suggestions?????????

How much should i sell my PC for?

Its hard to say exactly how much. It has a good processor. Lots of storage. SLI configuration. You should be able to get at least 1500 out of that.

Does anyone know of a company called Unistates CA LLC?

I have been keeping a close eye on my credit report, and this just showed up on an alert out of the blue. They are saying I owe 380.00 and I have no idea what they are talking about. There is no phone number, any help would be great.

My brother has no best friends...?

My 11 year old sister just started middle school, and she has the same problem. I think that if she can't make friends in school, I'll start her in a club (I imagine that in your community there may be a club/group for children to make friends with other kids who also have the same problem). Always encourage them (even though I have trouble with that, my sister and i always fight)!

Ino Yamanaka Shippuden?

I agree with you. A lot of ppl don't give her credit. But to me she is just as good as Sakura, just that she doesn't get a lot of time in the manga. As for the slut part I never heard that lol but if its because she's showing her stomach then wats the big deal. She's like 16 you expect her to stay all covered up. Plus its not her decision its kishis he draws her XD. As for a pairing I don't know where she will go with cuz shikamaru is pretty much taken by temari. Maybe sai will realize he likes girls and date her. Or maybe sasuke might come back to the good side and date her or maybe, and this is a BIG maybe, chouji will like her, drop the weight again and they'll date. Who knows.

Malaysians: Do you think you are taken for a ride by your government?

You have a sharp observation Zig.i have the same thinking as you.Unfortunately most Malaysians are chicken adn woudnt dare to make as much sound.They are so typical,as long as it is not really affecting me.I dont realy give a F....thats how the cookie crumbles buddy

Is Animal Collective the best band of the last decade?

yes they are but they'll never make an album as good as this; a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How should i handle this?

Being in a similar situation myself I can see why she did that. It's so she doesn't lose you as a friend and she's taken extra precautions (facebook account). If she really is older, she's thinking you won't like her anymore because she's well an older woman. You don't exactly see a 35 yr old hanging out with a bunch of 20 yr olds. Also, that might be how she looks, makeup ages the face alot giving the appearance of being older. I would talk to her about it but gently. She's helped you through some times in your life, throwing it away would be a waste and would you really want to give it up?

New Mothers... what do you need the most for your newborn?

My granddaughter is having a baby in Jan. I'm trying to get the things she will need the most and things people like the most. I know diapers.....what else. I think she's going to try to nurse and needs the pump..anything else to go with it besides the wipes and pillow? Thanks.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Justin TImberlake SNL?

Does anyone know the name of that skit Justin Timberlake was in when he was singing in a coke costume with Santa Claus? I believe it was on December 16, 2006. Where can I find the video for it?

How to say "i started walking again when out of the sky a spaceship landed on earth" in spanish?

I don't think that's what he means.. Literally is well translated, but I think the phrase "out of the sky" means here "suddenly" that in spanish is "de repente" So another way of saying it would be "Yo empec� a caminar cuando de repente una nave aterriz� en la tierra"

Getting a Tetnus Shot tommarow and...?

my friend said that the nurse asks you if you want it in the arm or the backside. My friend claimed she got it in her and said it did not hurt! is this really true? Is it better to get it in the arm or the ? If i get it in the what will they make me do? I have never had a shot there before!

Is this pc worth the money?? want it for lite gaming and media centre. also what monitor wud you recomend?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Valentines Day Ideas ?

What I should do with my girlfriend on valentines day. I was thinking dinner, but after dinner she said she would like to do something fun , any ideas from picking her up , till the end of the night ? Something cute that she wouldn't expect , Thanks (: SN: Nothing to expensive.

What the hell happened to Miguel Tejada's power numbers? Can you say no more roids in espanol?

I mean come on, 24 HR's last year, now 10 HR's this year, and don't say because he was hurt for a month this year, because his power numbers this year weren't that effected by that. Ok, give him an extra 4 HR's if he wasn't hurt this year, and he'd be at 14. Tejada was named in Canseco's book as a steroid user. Obviously he did them to get that huge contract at 11 million per year from the O's. You can say the same about Adrian Beltre of the M's. What the hell happened to his power? He went from hitting 48 HR's and 121 RBI's for the Dodgers in 2004, to hitting 19 HR's and 87 RBI's for the Mariners in 2005, and got the huge contract, 13 mill per for 5 years. Who else is getting so tired of this steroid era? Everything has become so tainted. The dramatic power drop offs. The surge in power during contract years, I mean this is way worse than what Pete Rose did. He gambled after his playing days were over. I am so sick of this era. I wish all these roiders would retire.

Will you help post on web, contact your local law makers

This is an excellent idea. I will do whatever I can to help support you guys. Keep up the Good Work.

Culturally speaking what are some words that you always misspell?

I can't ever seem to spell the word "separate" correctly. The only reason it's spelled correctly there is because I had mozilla firefox underline it and I found the correct spelling after right clicking on it.

Beethoven or Mozart? why?

mozart because the way he plays his piano instrument makes things so easy and relaxing but beethoven is a great pianist to but i don't get how his hair style is. but for someone who practices for 24 hours i gues they don't have time to take care of themselves.

Do guys like snobs?bitches?

(girl snobs only last time i asked a ques. gay dudes anwsered) i mean lets pretend there is this really really pretty girl right? and so shes pretty and all but shes such a snob........idk y do guys even date them,since they have good looks but not a great personality!!!!!

Is it bad to kiss someone on the night you meet them?

I was very drunk, I can't remember if he tried to kiss me first or not but he was really attractive. I'm not really looking for a relationship, and I think it's ok to have fun. I'm still a virgin and I'm 20, I've had two long term relationships and I'm quite cynical about relationships now but uhm.. I was suprised at myself for kissing him. I was dancing and he picked me up and we danced together for a bit and kissed then he took my hand and we went outside for a bit. But all I knew was he's from a different country. He kept saying I was beautiful and he couldn't tell me what he wanted to say in English. I know nothing will become of it since I don't know his name but I just think was it bad to do that, was he just telling me what I wanted to hear?

I need to find a specific cologne and I dont know the name, Is this possible?

I know this is weird, but a guy I know used to wear this cologne that smelt wonderful to me!! I loved it. I asked him one day what is was, he showed me the bottle and said someone gave it to him, and he didnt know what it was. The bottle was very plain, had no name, it was clear rectangular prolly 3" tall and 4" across. I checked it really good, there was nothing on the bottle-it could have worn off, cuz the bottle was almost empty. One person told me it was Nautica, but they dont have any bottles that look like that did. I know companys are always changing the looks, is there a way to find this cologne?

What nicknames for these names can you think of?

I love the name Mari- short for Marion and I love Lina short for Carolina, but I also like the nicknames for regular names

Is our own arrogance the cause of our economic woes?

the arrogance of thinking we should be the world police force, then having the people we killed come back and kill us. by telling our own what they can do by ping bad laws and not changing them, is the government waaaay too big, should we revolt, or should we change things

Why Would He Not Say Farewell at the Age of 43?

i dont use chatline to fall in love and tell men online i am not intersted as i dont like the risks of long distance love and believe in a fulfilling relationship offline, however in march this year a UK london litigation lawyer IM me in yahoo to inform me he was looking online as the women in london were materialistic he is 43 claimed to be single wife died with unborn child in car accident 4 years ago. We really hit it off and eventually he managed to win my heart online asking me to marry him. He promised to come to my country at the end of may this year to meet myself and my two children to stay with us and marry before taking us back to london with him as he owns a firm there. "Easting ociates". I am a widow of six years and a struggling single mom who was completely honest to which he loved about me. When his sister was ill i was his solace, when he hit trouble, i was his solace, the children and i worked hard towards meeting him as he promised them many things he is the FIRST man i ever introduced to my children offline and on so he was special and he made out he was sincerely wanting us to be HIS family to complete all our lives. the last week of may arrived and he informed me he wasnt able to come then due to his sister's illness and how he was awaiting their other sister to relieve him. The first week of June arrived and he then told me June 2nd he was flying OUT of london on the 6th June to arrive in my country at 11am 8th June. I went down to the airport to pick him up and watched EVERY penger from the flight walk out to the waiting arms of loving family and friends until the sign board changed and i was left standing alone. He hasnt communicated SINCE no text no call no offline message no email and he wont reply any of my communications to him. The children's innocence he entrusted has been harmed and i am shattered. Why woud a man at the mature age of 43 and educated who has accepted my love and help just leave without facing himself to face us and end or explain or even say goodbye??

Who/ What is Lenore in Poe's "The Raven"?

I could never really figure out if it was his wife or girlfriend but whoever she was Poe was lamenting her loss or in other words was dead and he was still grieving over her. When he first heard the tapping he thought it was her (her or her ghost, I don't know) but it says she was the fair maiden so wife, girlfriend, who knows.

Why do people care about animal rights!!!?

Your right dude. to tell you the truth people who live in Africa or eastern europe and other poor parts of the world don't give a hoot about animal rights. the reason is ; people in Canada and USA are so rich and privileged that they don't have anything to think about other than animals. if there was a famine going on or people were dying from lack of medical care, then the money that goes to animal shelters would go to poor people.I agree with you 100% brother.

I'm going Back to Public School. What should I do?

I'm 13 years old and I started homeschooling several months ago because public school didn't seem right for me. I didn't know anybody in my cl, the students were judgmental and rude towards me, the work was repetitious and everything was really horrible. My mother is sending me back to public school because I'm losing touch with my friends and she thinks it's the best thing for me. I would much rather continue homeschooling but she won't allow me to. I'm a complete introvert, and I don't have many friends. I don't even like hanging out with the ones I have because they're so different from me. I don't know what I'm going to do when there's a cl project and I need a partner, or what I'll do at lunchtime. Sitting in cl for all of recess is funner then hanging out with my friends. To make it more despairing, English, Social Studies and music/band are all too easy for me. I have linguistic and musical giftedness so I'm usually bored out of my mind in those particular cles. It seems like everyone in the entire school is immature and I'm the only Introvert. My school life is going to be boring and I'll have no friends. What should I do to survive going back to middle school?

Why does gwen stefani always have japenese back up dancers?

she's inspired by japanese culture. the harajuku girls aren't just her backup dancers, they represent her inspiration. "I'd get me four Harajuku girls to inspire me and they'd come to my rescue. I'd dress them wicked, I'd give them names. Love, Angel, Music, Baby hurry up and come and save me." those were some lyrics from her song "Rich Girl." she has a whole line of clothing inspired by the harajuku fashions. everybody acts like she keeps them in cages or something. i've seen videos and pics of her with them backstage and they seem like great friends. i'm sure they're paid well too cause they're really good dancers.

Chef coat has a stain and i cant get it out?

ok i have this chef coat and i picked up a big stew pot and now i have this big black stain ive tried blaching it and that didnt work plz i need help and buyying another one is not an option. Resond ASAP

What episode and what season was Leonardo DiCaprio on Rosanne?

I know he was on Rosanne for one episode, but i wanna know what the episode number is and what season it was in. i only know what the episode was called "Darlene's clmate".

If an Angel presents itself to you, How could you tell...?

One way you could get an idea if it really was an Angel from Heaven is if what it said was in accordance with what the Bible teaches. If not then you would know for sure that it was either your imagination or some demonic spirit.

Does anyone know that song that plays in the DVD menu of the movie "The Departed"?

It uses the guitar the drums and an irish kind of accordion. I really like the song and want to know its name. It als sometimes plays as a theme for the top countdowns on fuse.

Why doesn't my computer start?

When I start my computer normally, after it shows the initial Dell, it turns gray. It doesn't even reach the Windows XP symbol and the loading bar. When I start my computer in safe mode, it gets stuck on "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)/win… and doesn't progress from there. Any suggestions? Its a Dell Dimension 2400



Motorcycle accident, not my bike, bike insured, who is liable? Long read, please help....?

Insurance follows the vehicle so if the bike was indeed insured (collision) then the insurer should pay for the damages on the bike less the stated deductible amount and the damage to the car. Your brother needs to do the right thing and pay the deductible amount to his friend. This is all uming he is at fault. A ticket for improper turn is probably a indicator that he will not get off the hook for this one.

Select a company that does not have a diversity plan.?

My essay question is Select a company that does not have a diversity plan....I cannot think of any companys that do not and I need information on this? Any Ideas

I just saw my tetra eat my platty fry! ?

Other than squashing it what can I do to prevent this? I am trying to let the babies grow so they can repopulate the tank since the adults are old and dying. Do I have to remove the tetra or is there something else i can get or do to protect the babies? I have baby beds but the tetra are mean, they swarm and chase after the fry.

History Question for anyone who will answer.?

Briefly summarize the spread of industry during the time period of 1870- 1930. How did emergence of new industries and exploration of natural resource's lead to greater regionalization in New Hampshire? What impact did this have on the natural landscape of New Hampshire?

If Iran invades Iraq, will it escalate to World War 3?

I think if we pull out of Iraq and Iran did move on Iraq, there will be more ME countries join the fight. This could lead to a world involved war. It is kind of unnerving, because we will never know until we do pull our troops out.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Little green 16.4oz camping propane tank leaking?

Buying used gear there is always a risk involved. Not getting into the debate above me safety first is always "no flames" is the safest method. Looking at the canister I have says that as well. Definitely dispose of the unit after it drains. And Mr. Propane there are adapters sold everywhere to refill these things, I did not know it was illegal for private parties to do so though. Why sell the adapters then? I do know about the transportation issues it's on the canister as well.

Probability of winning the lottery, experts only!?

I play lotto 649. Basically its a lottery game where 6 are randomly drawn. There are 49 possible outcomes the numbers 1-49 but everytime you draw one ball out, it cannot be drawn again. I just want to know what is the probability of wining the jackpot by correctly guessing all 6 numbers by guessing 6 times? What about 7 times? Im a noob at statistics and I tried to draw the probability tree to find out but I failed. I hope someone can not only tell me, but show me as well. Thanks!

My father was pow but he wasnt able to file for citizenship,am I eligible to file for myself being his child?

No. If your father wasn't eligible for citizenship,then neither are you. Your question is very vague. Where was he a POW and is he still alive?

What makes you the best candidate for this position? Did I answer correctly?

2. What do you think makes you the best candidate for this position? I enjoy taking on various tasks that are challenging, and I would describe myself as patient, hardworking, and I take pride in my work. I believe these qualities make me the best candidate for this position. Also, my in-depth experience maintaining the general ledger at nonprofit organizations makes me the best candidate for this position as well.

If I mix water and ethanol and boil the mixture?

Will the ethanol boil first and leave just the water, since the boiling point of ethanol is lower than that of water?

Nitration of Benzene?

H2SO4 is a very strong acid. The reaction with H2SO4 causes a lot of heat. So you don't want to have a lot of H2SO4 with something else. So always add H2SO4 slowly to something else and not add something to H2SO4.

Is this a good workout or not?

Um, i would answer this question but i would have to take to much time to read it, you probly burned calories just typing it up, so go you!

A facebook question! worth ten points!?

You can make them, steal them from a friend (right click save, not really steal), or search for them on any image database. Then one you have the picture saved, upload it onto facebook, click a part of the picture or word and tag a friend. Hope I helped.

Would public executions deter crime?

No, but the entertainment value is out of this world. Think of the marketing possibilities! The boost to the local economy! It's like a parade.

How can I install a USB camera without the installation CD or brand name?

My old computer crapped out, thankfully my brother was getting a new computer and he gave me his old Lenovo 3000 N100. He also gave me his old USB camera, however without any install software. The camera itself has no bran markings or ID #. The laptop recognizes the camera but I am not able to install it... does anyone have any suggestions?

Muay Thai verse Kickboxing?

Muay Thai is very diverse. I mean just watch a Muay Thai fight in Thailand and its nothing like these K 1 fights. Two guys with their left leg in the air nearly the whole fight anticipating the leg kick. What is better? I guess It depends on the fighter. And "Muay" is pronounced "Moy".

Hey R and S'ers! My son is visiting here and found a RANT about 1 of my bumper stickers on Craig's List!

It was posted from our small town; someone saw it at a local shopping center where I go, and was apparently really ticked off! Question: does the statement "Jesus is a liberal" offend you? If so, WHY? One person thinks it means that Jesus is a promiscuous, pot smoking "hippie." What say you, and are YOU offended? Of course Jesus did hang out with low lives and fallen women ( ha ha) he also by all accounts had a beard and sandals. No suit and short hair for THAT dude. Your opinion, please! And when you think of some of the recent things conservatives have gotten caught up in, whats so terrible about being liberal?

''Input signal out of range'' after 5-10 minutes gameplay! HELP!?

Usually signal out of range is something to do with the monitor. Did you change the resolution on your monitor display settings or in the games themselves? Which ever you did, do the opposite one?

Why am i going through this (please read)?

You're a self-important twit of a teenager who needs to switch to decaf and start the long journey back to reality.

How do you stop being desperate?

sometimes i get so desperate for a mate that it seems like i =just cant handle it...i try and try but it seems to prove futile...i have a few girls i speak to but i dont think its going anywhere, why cant i get anyone it shoudlnt be like this, im not even ugly or low on self confidence, whats the problem, 20 years old is too old to not even be close to being with anyone, people tell me pray and pray but it dosent make the desperation go away then when i go and try to talk to any girl it seems like theres a barrier and i cant speak to her no matter how hard i try, so i get up and try again the next day its been this way for months, i see a girl any girl to talk to so i can be in a relationship and it seems like i cant get up to her, then when i do the convo goes fine but nonething happens. whats going can i stop being desperate i dont wanna stop going around looking cz i dont belive that it will come wehn i least expect it cz a person has to put in work

Work-Energy Theorem?

A big car of m 2m travels at speed v, and a small car of m m travels with a speed 2v. Both skid to a stop with same coefficient of friction. What is the ratio of the stopping distance of the small car to that of the large car. (Please help, Using Work-Engergy Theorem)

High level books with morals?

I need high level books that have morals/life lessons to them...I have some like to kill a mocking bird, kite runner, the man in my basement, angelas ashes..I know theyre not so high level which is why im asking for help :]

How long does it take to get from manchester to derby ?

i am off to a rock festival and i need to no how long the journey will take so that i do not miss any of the bands that i want to see

Where can i get UPCAT reviewers online ? ( printable ) send me links pls :)?

i am willing to study everyday and everynight for UPCAT but i dont have any reviewers .. :( pls send me links thanks ! :)

How often do you see the Lord's work in your daily life?

Zero. I don't see the Lord's work or that of any other god, ever. All that exists is the material world. Everything else exists only in our minds.

I need help for my 16th birthday :]?

im 16 in mounth and i want a party in a party bus or party limop fore engine etc but i really really want it also my friend is 16 in 6 mounths do you know any companys for party bus or limop or fire engine etc ..?

Why is the government suggesting that people that believe in the 2nd are terrorists?

The government has been trying to demonize 2A supporters since the 1990s. It's part of a bigger plan to do away with that pesky constitution thing altogether.

Fading acne marks and scars as quickly as possible?

I have lots of acne marks (I don't technically think they are scars, just more like discolouration) and I want to fade them as quickly as possible as I am going on Holiday in July :D I'm using bio-oil on them two to three times a day and sometimes I put it in the bath :D and I'm also using Palmer's cocoa er twice a day as a moisturiser. How long do you reckon it will take to see a difference and does anyone else have any recommendations to add to my routine?

Can someone make me an outfit please?

I am going to my "end of season" banquet for my high school dance team and we need to dress up. I live in Chicago and the banquet is in April. Im not picky about stores but my favs are Forever 21, Khols, Macys, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Thank you!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What movie is this (Spice Girls)?

Were the Spice Girls in any other move? Because I remember watching a movie when I was little and I'm pretty sure it was the Spice Girls (it may be another girl band) where the Spice Girls got into a plane crash. The "accident" was actually planned by their manager who was hypnotizing people with their music and because the members of the Spice Girls were becoming suspicious, he decided to kill them. Then he tried to find a new band to replace them which was this group of girls who sang in a bowling alley i think. Then he started hypnotizing people with their music and all this drama happened between the girls because their were backstabbing each other or something. Then in the end, the Spice GIrls came back and exposed the manager . . . i really don't know if this makes sense lol but its worth a shot. THANKS =]

If anyone could right their own obituary, what would ..........?

LOL Bran Muffin! I would want mine to say that I was kind, loving and had a good sense of humor and will be greatly missed by all!

What is going between me and this boy?

So since last Friday, my best friend, and our mutual friend have been hanging out (late nights, chilling etc). I've always found him attractive, but never wanted to get to far into it, for the fear of getting hurt. But ever since the Friday me and him have been practically inseparable. Hanging out with each other at lunch. Walking with each other everywhere, talking about everything, laughing at everything, meeting up at every possible chance. He's always asking to hang out, and he never leaves my side, loyalty I guess you could say. I started to suspect something going on in his mind when he first started asking me how I'm completely comfortable around him, playful touching, and such. Saying things like "Your a (insert some sort of tease here), but that's why I love you", and "Forget about everyone else, your my lover". He even goes out of his way to sit on my lap, put his head on my shoulder, play with my bracelets, my hair, bite me, lick me, touch my face, or any part of me for that matter. According to my friend of all the three years that she's known him he's never acted like this. To another friend, he talks about me a lot. He goes out of his way to lend me CD's, hold open doors, and just do stuff for me. Yesterday, we went practically everywhere, in a group of four, and basically we just went off ourselves. Later on we were sitting across from each other, I was looking at his face, and then we just locked eyes for what seemed like forever. Then even later that night, we watched some scary movie, and while the other too friends of our were screaming and whining. We sat next to each other under a blanket, and we would just turn our heads and look at each other and smile. He would touch my face, my mouth, play with my wrists, and hands. I want to say he likes me, but people are always saying he's gay. And when it was brought up around me, and said no and held my hand. People are questioning him because he hasn't really cared to date a girl yet, and he is always around girls. I just don't understand it all. It's so confusing, and I'm not sure if I should just go for it, or be wary of what could happen. Please give me some help.

FG% and FT% disaster Fantasy Hoops?

I'm doing well in all other categories but I'm DEAD last in FG% and FT%. I just dropped Morris Peterson for Yi Jianlian but I don't know any other free agents that have decent FG and FT%s. Wally Szczerbiak, Travis Outlaw, Marco Jaric, Jomario Moon, Carlos Delfino, Troy Murphy and Juan Carlos Navarro are available but I don't know if they can help my Shooting percentages. Help!

How long do cook a 1 1/2 pound rump roast in the crock pot?

Around three hours. I check mine every hour. I stick a fork in it and twist, when the meat falls apart and its nice and tender its ready to eat.

Get rid of a thought...?

So I have this film and culture teacher who always shows us weird and violent films. I mean seriously weird movies with raping and violence a plenty to seriously make you feel sick and deeply confused after the cl. I know it's ****** disturbing. But that's the thing, Those thoughts Just keep coming back in my mind during the day, basically tainting my whole day and I especially dont want to think of it because I am afraid of thinking them, and I can't really talk about this to anyone because they will see me as weird for having these thoughts which are regarded as wrong but I am just looking for help. I am just looking for a solution. I have thought about replacing the thought when it arises with another one over and over again. Let me know if you have other suggestions. Thank you

Barack supports a tax, not to raise money, but for "fairness". Is this socialism?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If cindy sheenan is runs for your state representive or senate while she is against what her son died for?

I wouldnt vote for her ever because shes a liberal. President Bush was good enough to meet with her after her son died and then she wanted to schedule another meeting so she could start trying to tell him how to run the country and give her a dose of liberal philosophy. I dont blame him at all for not meeting with her a 2nd time and I feel shes just turned into an irrational basketcase that cant answer the tough Q's when asked by people like Hannity and Beck. Shes discovered the liberal art of dodging the Q.

R.I.P the Miz (08/03/2009)......?

mahybe hell become a masked fighter like hogan did when mchmahon told him he couldnt wrestle anymore

Help with a guitar tab?

I believe that means pull off of the 15th to the 17th and then bend down to the 15th note which means you are trying to bend the 17th down to sound like the 15th but it might be the other way around. Somebody correct me if im wrong.

Is the latest ruling by the 9th circuit court in San Fran a perfect example of judicial activism??

This isn't the first time that 9th circuit court judges wrote their own laws...they should all be impeached !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did Anyone watch Dateline yest. Sunday, June 22/08?

I definitely thought this was very interesting. I thought it was interesting how the body was moved around, the fact that the gun was shot by an inexperienced person. I did not get to see the end but I am going to watch it online, but I am still wondering who killed him.

Identify the chemical name of...?

Sodium chloride is soluble in water. Identify the chemical name of the white solid formed when BaCl2 and Na2SO4 solutions were mixed together. Define the term "precipitate."

Does life ever get better?

I feel for you. I am so sorry. What you are feeling and going through is normal and very common; I promise. At this point in your life, I would highly recommend not ever admitting or telling ANYONE you are gay - the only way to keep this kind of secret is to keep it to yourself ONLY. Do not put yourself through the BS of dating girls either. Tell your parents you have extremely high standards, and you feel that focusing on your education is the best thing that you could ever do for yourself - because, well it is. Go to high school, enjoy your girlfriends, try to keep an eye out for others like you (they are there), and focus on earning the best grades possible. Your grades could get you into a great college that is in a gay-friendly part of the country (how about UC Berkeley? San Francisco State? UCLA?). As a gay adult, it can be difficult, too, but I think things are getting better, especially in the cities. As for life in general, being a gay teenager is so hard, but you can get through it, and when you do LIFE WILL BE SO MUCH BETTER! All the best, and take care you!

Can you freeze a cake with whipped cream frosting?

If I make a baby shower cake with a sturdy whipped cream frosting , can I freeze it or will it all melt wjhen I go to thaw it.

Iron ons help...........?

For valentines day I'm getting my bf a quilt and on it putting reasons why I love him. So I was wondering how to use iron ons? Do you just print watever you want and put those wax papers thingys over it and iron it? If not, then how?

Looking for a old Movie, with a boy genie, bad guys heart is in a mountain and can't be killed.?

I'm almost positive it's an old movie called"Jack the Giant Slayer."Great special effects from Ray Harryhousen.awesome.

Whats wrong with my cat...?

Ok, My cat is no more than 10 years of age and I brought her to the vet yesterday, because I thought, for some reason she was losing weight, but the vet said her weight is just fine, and he felt her for lumps, and gave her a clean bill of health. But I forgot to ask him a question that I even wrote down before I went. The question is... why does my cat sneeze, only when I play with her, for example, letting her chase a string around the room, she goes BONKERS! But she sneezes every single time I play with her, but doesn't sneeze at all other than that, only when I play with her. I'm not sure, but it did seem to start after I gave her cat nip about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and I was thinking maybe she has some cat nip stuck up her nose, but is it possible after a month!? And like I said I'm not even sure if that is when it started. She's eating fine, sleeps fine and is obviously playful, I feel so bad. And I love playing with her, but I'm at the point where I almost don't want to because I don't want to see her sneezing, very strange, any possible causes would be greatly appreciated, her name is Pebbles, and she's a Money Cat. Oh and the vet a few years back did say that she has allergies if that makes any difference.

Is Amy Poehler pregnant and leaving snl?

Yes she is pregnant and is leaving SNL after the election. She just announced that she will be starring in the Office spin off when she is finished with her maternity leave.

My husband doesn't want our 18 month old to have the swine flu vaccine.....?

You have a problem, he probably thinks his reason for not wanting this vaccine protects his child, just as you think having it protects the child too. A compromise is needed. Perhaps a visit to the doctor to discuss it, and any misgivings people have about it. I would hate to be the parent who refused a vaccine, only for the child to later get the illness and suffer seriously because of it.

Would you have respect for conservatives if they actually talked about government waste at the Pentagon?

Or corporate welfare? Why does the political right seem dead set on making the middle cl pay for a Recession their own ideology caused?

Was Steve King right to call out Roger Goddell on his hypocrisy?

That was perfect. Goddell looked like an idiot. I can't wait for his answer about Fergie & J-Lo.

I need some help with Poland.?

ok here is what is happening i am doing this Ellis Island thing for Social studies and i need to come up with a name from my main nationality and i am Polish so i need a Polish name any first or last names will help.

Is it fair for societies such as Phi Beta Kappa to have to lower their standards to allow more minorities?

They have very strict requirements and race isn't one of them. They go on the numbers and GPA alone yet some people claim it is discriminatory and racist and want the standards lowered to allow more minorities. Why do people want to drag down the hard working and successful just to fit their wants?

Hey do you ever get this christmas feeling?

Yes like today at work, the Hanson Christmas song came on and I flashback'd to 1999 when I was sitting at the lunch table in high school lol and that song was playin in the cafeteria. Or same thing when I hear any country songs, I have to shut them off because they disgust me...I can flashback to my gross, appaling ex from 2000 singing them and annoying me to death. hahaha

Is there anywhere in the UK where ...?

I can learn how to surf, or go out for just a day trip. I live in stoke on trent.. so what's the closest, or even the best place to go for this? :) thank you! <333

Is this is a good 800m time for a 13 year old boy?

Yes, for a 13 year old boy who is 166cm and weighs 45 kilos who hasn't done any training for a long time, that is a good time.

Bloated belly problem?

i always have a bloated belly, well often i do. Its just annoying me now 2 people have asked if i am pregnant but i have had my period 2 weeks ago and been on the pill for over a year. I took a test just out of curiousity and it was negative. I have started dieting a week ago and it shouldnt make me worse should help me lose weight, im not overweight im average just want to lose bit of the puppy fat. I go for a crap reguarly but i dont know what causes this bloated belly thing, i dont eat break and i only have rice/pasta occasionaly or weekends, anyone got any other reason i may be getting this?

Ugh starting school..i hate the people in my cl!?

okay so im going into eight grade and im starting school on wednesday. i dont know everyone whos going to be in my homeroom but people have told me about a few that will. there's these two guys. ryan and jack. see, in the summer before 7th grade, ryan liked me, but he was going out with this girl kristin (who now hates me cuz of that) so he told everyone i was his back up girl or w.e. then my friend went on my aim screen name and told kristin and it got totally screwed up so both ryan and kristin do not like me. jack also supposedly liked me that summer. well, he just liked the way i looked, so he asked me out, but i said no, cuz firstly i didnt know him that well and cuz i didnt like him. and jack and ryan are like best friends so jack found out about the whole ryan thing and he thought i had told kristin cuz thats what my "friend" had made it look like. but w.e. the point is...both ryan and jack are in my homeroom this year. AND I HAVE NO

Spanish 2 help. PLESE!!!?

The ones that start with "when I was young" Are "Quando yo estaba." The ones that say when you were a certain age, you use the root "Tener" instead of "Estar." These start with "Quando yo ten�a."

Are watercolors really hazardous?

nope, watercolors are not that dangerous. Unlike oil paint, watercolor does not have any toxic fumes and as long as you don't do something such as randomly eating your paint, you have nothing to worry about.

Pardon me, but have you seen Lucy?

I hate to interrupt, but have you seen Lucy. She's about 5'6, red hair, very pretty? come on now don't act like you don't know me..We used to go to primary school together. We used to brush each others teeth

Made a crock pot of hot apple cider spiked with brandy.?

I made this yesterday and forgot to put what was left in the fridge before bed it sat out all night but it had a top on it and cloves and Cinnamon sticks in it..could I heat it back up today and drink it without getting sick it still smell as good as yesterday.

How to recover over a harsh breakup?

Wow. Honestly, I think you didn't deserve that. I think you should clear your mind about it, he did harm to you. Ways to let it go are as follows: Go out with some friends to not think about the matter, have some fun and maybe talk about it to let it all out. If you just sit and cry or think about it to much, you might not forget about it and yes, I understand you are in grief, but you will see later how you didn't deserve being treated that way. You should find someone better than that, who deserves to be with you. He seems kind of immature. I know you will find someone right for you have patience and enjoy your life :] hope it helped a bit. Take care

Are People of European Descent Hispanic or Latino?

ummm all Hispanics are originate from Spain and Mexicans are Hispanic that was a stoopid question and yea there are German immigrants in Mexico and Latin America i have Mexican and German ancestors but there are others not just German OH AND BTW I HATE IT WHEN BRAZILIANS THINK THEY ARE SO MUCH BETTER THEN EVERYONE ELSE AND THEY SAY THEY ARE EUROPEAN NO UR NOT NOT ALL BRAZILIANS THINK THAT WAY BUT SOME DO SO GET A GLOBE OR MAP AND LOOK FOR URSELF IN EUROPE CUS GUESS WAT UR NOT GONNA FIND IT!!!!

Is this normal for a guy to do this...?

alright so i met this cute kid at a baseball game yesterday. he goes ta a school close to me and all that. he was so nice to me and got my numberr & that stuff. we texted all night yesterday and he said i was pretty and cute and funny. then today, he hasnt texted me....idk if im just a freak out this or please?

HELP! sticky/greasy dandruff and plugs that clog hair roots=loads of hairfall..natural home remedies please.?

ive heard that using mouth wash kills the bacteria that can cause dandruff, im not sure of the amount though, half an ounce would probably do. hope that helps!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Very close friends gave birth at 30 weeks and it was stillborn - what to do/say?

I know they are absolutely devastated and I can't imagine the anger, resentment and sorrow they are feeling. To make matters worse, our good friends are due to have a baby in a couple weeks and I am almost 3 months pregnant as well. We all made plans for our kids to play together and I can't even imagine what she is feeling right now and will feel when (God willing) our babies are born. What can one do or say in this situation?? Obviously I know to refrain from maddening cliches (you're young, you can try again, he's in a better place now, it's for the better - I'd punch someone if they said that to me). Beyond saying I'm sorry and offering your help if needed, what is appropriate? What (if anything) can help??? They had all the baby stuff (crib, clothes, her mom had made quilts) which I imagine will be heartbreaking to see. Any advice??


Well stated. The problem is that they are taught this form of bigotry & it is promoted by their Jew influenced governments

Pain in lower right abdomen and same area on my back?

WOW!!! I had that all weekend, but turns out it was my cramps.. before my period, because I was 4 days late and got it today! It might be serious though, probably not. I was reading all that stuff online, and I was scared too, stop reading the things online. If it gets worse or if it becomes a huge inconvinece please visit a doc.

Do you think these are good names?

Girls name I like CHERRIE APPLE, I love that name, it's different is Cute and Catchy! Boys name I like JACE ALEXANDER, JACE COOPER, COOPER JACE, JACE LIAM, LIAM JACE, JACE TYLER, Jace is a great middle or first name. Good luck

Im looking for the title of a childrens song heard in majorca on holiday?

I went on holiday last year with grandchild and heard a few very catchy childrens songs....chu chu ua, veo veo etc. But there was one that my granddaughter loved and I cant find it on youtube.....I think its about driving a little car and the children sit on the floor and roll around on their bottoms and sing peep peep peep or parp parp parp using hand movements. Can anyone help me??

How gory is Sweeney Todd?

My 15 year old niece really wants to see the movie with me, but I am not sure if she can handle it. I was wondering how much blood there was in the movie. I know it is rated R so there must be a lot of blood, but how well do you think a teenage girl can handle it. I wouldn't want to bring her if it is really bad.

My computer screen was in color and now is all black and white, what did I do?

this is a new e-machine with windows vista, any way I was playing around and now all the color is gone, please help me fix this problem, yahoo, screen saver and everything,is black and white, I AM computer illiterate.................

Who is your favorite Aussie actor/actress?

I am American, but I love me my Australians. I don't like Nicole Kidman. I like Hugh Jackman, Xavier Samuel - but I've never really seen a female. Hmmm.... who are your faves?

Do girls have this urge too?

We all know that guys can't get their eyes of most girls backsides that's just normal, it's human nature. But are their any girls that have the same thing as guys. Do girls have the same urge to stare at some guys behinds

GEEZ, how should I back up my PC files? Is there any good way?

I've been looking into external hard drives a little recently, and all the reasonably priced ones all have such mixed reviews. A lot of people talk of the external hard drive crashing and losing all of their data. So, I just thought maybe I'd look into online storage like Mozy. They also have very mixed reviews with people talking about performance issues, unsupported file types, some 30 day purge thing, it constantly runs on your computer, etc. Does anything work well that isn't hundreds and hundreds of dollars?

What is the movie that it rains with skittles ?

I think the actor is Ben stiller or someone else i dont know, but yeahhh its like he reads book and then next day it happens. It came out last year or this year? anybody know??? lemme know asap

Rate/Fix my Yugioh deck please?

It isn't a bad deck and I would rate it a 7/10. The thing is Book of Moon is useful and no longer limited. As for a replacement though if you really want one would probably be 1 of these 3: Machine King Prototype, Machine King, or Perfect Machine King (In my opinion your best option. He is for sale online for like 3.99 near mint for the Ultra rare to 6.99 near mint for the Ultimate rare) I don't know if you can get any of them but I do highly suggest them. You could also use Barrel Dragon or Blowback Dragon but those will definitely be harder to obtain.

Wondering if any one is takeing topiramate?

i have epilepsy and am experiencing some unpleasant side effects with this drug and am wondering if any one else has taken this drug or is takeing it, cause i have not been able to find ane one who has only info on what the drug companys have writen out and i would like to talk to more ppl about what they are experienceing and see what can be done to maybe stop some of it. cause my nerologest is not much help she didnt even know about it when i was put on the drug i was put on it by an ER doc and my nerologest was never told. i was the one to tell her and she/nerologest new nothing about the drug >:( not cool at all. but in any case i would really like/love some help and at the same time maybe help others too. thanks

Does Neighbours' Harold Bishop have an Australian accent?

Yes but he's obviously been to drama lessons and learnt to speak posh! We saw him in panto some years ago and spoke to him afterwards. He's a very nice man and unlike the late Madge stopped and talked to everyone and signed all the kid's autographs.

Where can I watch Brit Show "Skins"?

I live in US so it's not shown here. I only saw Part 1 of Ep 1 on youtube. Other than that, i have no luck.

Why do people automatically when they disagree with something say "Lifestyle".?

Like bigots sometimes say that don't agree with the lifestyle, When will people realize we don't have a lifestyle. Is there a straight lifestyle? Did I miss something here, We live like everyone else.

What do illuminated scopes do?

I just bought a red/green illuminated scope for hunting in my woods with my pellet gun. But what does the red/green on the crosshairs do?

Sixteen, no boyfriend, guys don't notice me?

i first got a gf when i was 15..but you shouldnt worry about it. 16 is really young believe it or not, so don't psyche yourself out and imagine a deep meaningful relationship. and you should really take a chance and start talking to guys. if you get rejected, so what? move on...thats the beauty of rejection...after getting rejected the next YES feels incredible. you'll be surprised by how much boys will want to talk to you after just loosening up

Avatar problems!!!?

ok well today i changed my avatars image but the old image still shows up in the yahoo answers, how cani make my new avatar image show up on the yahoo answers plz!!! hlp!!! im getting fustrated lol......

Chemistry question need some help?

When iodine dissolves in water what type of intermolecular force exists between the iodine and water?

Is it true that 70% of black women have never been married?

no that's not a true stat. it's true that about 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers but the marriage stat for black women who have never been married i'd say is closer to...50 or 60 percent. somewhere in there. i saw it once. and in my own experience, most black women I have known HAVE been married. granted, most are divorced. my grandma. my mom. all my aunts (one is still married after 23 yrs). everybody in my family has been married. all my male cousins are married to black women...etc. i'm married, and i'm 20 yrs old with a son who i had after i got married. and i'm black lol. and i know of two other black young couples my age. so i mean, it depends on who you are around, and what demographic you're looking at. if you go to the hood or the projects, you're not likely going to find too many married people period. but if you go to a working cl or middle cl neighborhood the likelihood of finding married blacks increases. don't lose hope. stats love making black ppl out to be single and lonely but it's so not true.

In what stage of pregnancy, do you start farting a lot?

Oh god, is the person who left you the first answer serious? Well, I seem to FART, lol, a lot now and I'm 20 weeks. I'm just very gy.

Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on with MCR and Youtube?

How come I cant find any My Chemical Romance videos or videos with their songs in them on youtube? I know that the were "infringing copyright laws" but so does every other god damn youtube video.

Yankee Fans evaluate the Yankees Series v.s Baltimore?

Like a good Gumbo, the kids need a lil more Seasoning. It sucks because it was 2 out of three losses to the Orioles who basically have ONE player in Markakis.. But it Happens, and This is the norm every year it seems with the Yankees.. Remember them Being Swept 4 games to start a year by KC in KC LOL.. i cant explain it, but it seems to take this team awhile to get their game face on.

I recently bought a terrestial telescope the specification is "45x" -what is the meaning for that?

i bought that in bangkok, and the reseller doesnt know aboutt the specification . the make is MYSTERY and specification is 15x - 45x. they doesnt know about the distance we can see., so please help me to solve this problem.

Macbeth help!!!!!!!!?

In MAcbeth, by Shakespeare, what are examples of the social/political/philosophical agenda (within the drama and time period it was written) ?? please help!! i dont understand!

Where can i find a commercial kitchen to rent in maryland?

I need a commercial kitchen in maryland. Preferably silver spring, college park, beltsville or briggs chaney area. I don't mind paying as long as it's not an outrageous price and they can be licensed by the department of health. Please help i'm near desperation. Thanks

Is Pentagon still a crime scene?

If it's not a crime scene anymore, then why won't the government show us the "plane" flying into it on 9/11/01. There were multiple cameras surrounding the scene that captured videos of this event, yet all we were shown were 4 crappy quality stills that were out of sequence and really didn't show a plane at all. I just want to see those two 9' engines getting "vaporized" as the government says that is what happened.

Who was prettier Britney or Jamie Spears?

I agree with you. Britney was much prettier when she was Jamie's age, but now Jamie is prettier. You just happened to get a bad pic of her. She was much prettier up until the baby at least....

How strong & well structured is Obama's electoral campaign to gain Latino, Mexicano or Spanish speaking Votes?

I think that he needs to pay more attention to Hispanic voters. I know that in California where I live that Mexicans do not particularly like Blacks. It seems that it is the older ones more than their children. If that feeling prevails around the country he might have a problem.

After you're dead, do you want an autopsy done on your body? What will happen to your body after death?

To be honest, I would rather be cremated and there won't be a need for an autopsy because i will die a peaceful death. You have really thought a lot about this I see. =)

What can you wear with Tall Clic Chocolate UGG boots?

well if you're gonna wear ugg boots with jeans, then you're gonna have to wear skinnys... i mean you could wear regualars.. but then they would just bunch up and make the boots look ugly

I feel stupid because I have to work very hard for mediocre grades and I did poorly on an internet IQ test?

I know, It's not a real IQ test, just some silly thing someone set up all by themself probably. It's so depressing because my yonger siblings are getting better grades than me. My brother is in Jr High and made honner roll, I never got that in Jr High. My sister, who is in Elementary School, has always been praised for her intellengence and is under the impression that her intellect is far superior to mine. I'm in High School. I feel like being the oldest of my siblings slows me down.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello, I am a Malaysian and a Muslim. I’d love for another chance to visit USA, but I am very much afraid…

We have quite a few Muslims that go to college in the area. I'm not sure where you get the luau idea, but we would welcome you in the spirit in which you presented yourself. I would accept you for who you are, same as on this board. If you show up at the door, we will set a plate for you, and if you can't eat what we are eating, we will be glad to find something palatable. I understand your trepidation. I have traveled abroad and I have kept up with current events, but no one is as good or as bad as the television makes them out to be.

What performance difference will I see between these two processors?

2nd one will be faster if you run newer games and stuff like photoshop and video editing. The first one will be faster for games like world of warcraft and games that were made up to 2 years after warcraft. First one is decent for regular stuff like photoshop but not as fast as the quad 2.33. The difference in their performance is very little except that the quad will outpace the duo on photoshoop and other software like that.

Whats a basic plot for Act 2 in Macbeth?

The scene continues in the inner court, as Lady Macbeth appears on stage and says that she has drugged the soldiers guarding Duncan's sleeping quarters. Macbeth comes back and tells his wife that he has done the foul deed. He also says that he fear's God's wrath, that he can no longer pray, and that a voice has said to him "sleep no more." She urges him to forget such "brain-sickly" things, and then scolds him for bringing the daggers used to kill Duncan with him, rather than leaving them beside the guards as she had planned. She departs to remedy this mistake. When she returns, they hear a knock on the castle door, but she says that they should ignore it and go to bed, thereby covering their crime.

Best Martial Art for me?

Okay, so I just turned 16 and i'm starting going to this MMA/sambo wrestling cl. I have previously done alot of Tae kwon do and kickboxing, so my stand up is pretty good, but i want to do something else any idea's? i tried boxing but i have a pretty short reach, im 5, 6", 10stone and a stocky build... Thanks in advance!:)

What is the meaning of the Church? and what is all about in Church,can it be the same in the 1st century?

or is it the same as the 1st century christians Church? pls. explain,all the characteristic,the formation,the teachings,the people,the goal the where abouts only if'is it true? only christians' could answer it'' or any one,that had wisdom in their mouth since childhood,but walks in the path of being a natural,and dont think and mind any and knowledge sleeps with them''i know there is wise among you''and i knew God is in the righteous race,that kindness grows knowledge and wisdom''be well known and informed let be shine in the midst of the people,now is the time that ye nation of God must speak what ye believe is right,the ends of the times think and be aware am i in the right house of prayer?''take the oppurtunity not all honest men of words you will see dwelling in the air of web some are in their mission moving place to place thank you all for reading my YA questions and answers''be strong in the faith and a good works to the Lord'' may the eastcloud bring winds to cool the land,amen

Here's my beef with Muslims....?

The truth is that most muslims don't care about other muslims. All they want is to be against Israel. Muslim would rather kill a jew than to save a fellow muslim. Send aid to Gaza? No way. Send bombs to Israel? Oh yes!

Customer database software Please help!?

Not enough info, but it almost sound like you need some sort of an online reservation system for borrow/return items, as well as a way to track who had what and how long they had it, and so on. How close am I?

Relationship helppp!?

stop thinking about it so much your only hurting yourself. if he wants to get with you then he must already like you for who you are so just be yourself. whatever you love to do or like to do then do it. stop trying to empress others. and by doing this you will see that being you then shy will be much better then that guy will know for sure your into him and he will like you even more. good luck with everything i hope all goes well. just believe in your self and you can do anything.

Where are good places to shop in phuket and bangkok?

Going to phuket and bangkok in 4 weeks. Just wondering where the good markets are in phuket and how much i should pay for bags and stuff cos i dont want to get ripped off. Also im only going to bangkok for 2 days so where should i go for shopping? are the weekend markets worth visiting? Any good tips would be appreciated thanks xx

BSOD: I can't get this fixed... need help?

The Windows operating system constantly refers to the registry to get information about all of the components such as hardware and software which are installed on the computer. The registry tells Windows what to do and how to access the various programs, files, and processes.However, the registry can contain bad information which sends Windows off doing useless tasks or running unneeded routines. Sometimes errors occur including the blue screen of death. Other times the system slows down. Because of the sheer number of factors that can affect the registry, there’s no one size fits all approach. You can’t just go into the registry and remove the bad information because it’s nearly impossible to decipher which information is good and which information is bad. That’s a job better suited for software. I should like to commend Registry Easy a href="" rel="nofollow" to you ! You can try ! Good luck!

What do i have to do to eliminate this "virus"?

after you downloaded it did you run it? or did it run by itself. if it hasn't been executed then i wouldn't worry about it. i can't see the whole link up there, so i really don't know what it is you downloaded.

What is Billy Beane's next move?

Sign Giambi to protect Holliday? And what about 3B? I heard Chavez and no longer play the field and Hannahan just can't hit!

Can anyone explain how to do the elimination method and?

Can anyone explain how to do the elimination method, the substitution method, and graphing method? If you know any one of these can you please explain because midterms are tomorrow and I still don't understand how to do either one.

Wow, I just left work early I was called a "****** and I needed to be spit on" what do I do. Pittsburgh Pa.?

I work in a nursing home and a aid made the comment I'm a dietary aid and we have diffrent HR and can see it being push under the rug. I've never looked at anyone for there color

Would you please comment on this poem?

you are truly a poet in every sense!! this is another great poem you have written! thank you! i really mean this when i say that out of all the great poets on y/a's, i enjoy yours the most!!

Wireless Router signal problems?

Does anyone know what a suitable frequency would be able to p through solid concrete, reinforced with steel mesh? Also, do you know how to make the wireless signal stronger otherwise?

How many beef stock cubes do I add to my stew to give it a beefier flavor?

I want it beefy but not overbeefed. Is three cubes too much? will a chicken stock cube also give it some extra flavor without being too chickeny?

My cat is always scared and hiding?

We've had her since kittenhood and she has always been scared and hides behind furniture. We have 3 dogs and 3 other cats that she snuggles with elsewhere, always hiding. She never asks for a pet and hates to be held! People come over and swear she doesn't exist! I love her and I don't want to get rid of her but inside my heart I think she would be better as an only cat in someone else's home. What should I do?

Help!! Why is Macbeth considered to be cursed and is treated with superstition among many actors....?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why do some Bears fans seem to think they can destroy the Packers?

I mean at least I get people who say a close win. They're Bears fans, you're supposed to cheer for your team. I see no way the Bears can get a crushing victory over the Packers. The Bears were doing well against the (7-9) Seahawks, but let them have a slight comeback and only won by 35-24 instead of a shutout. The Packers completely dismantled the number one seed in the NFC 48-21. I know we've seen some pretty incredible stuff this season, but isn't a Bears blowout over the Packers a bit too much to ask for?

What is a synonym for calling a girl cute?

good looking... Synonyms: attractive, pretty, delightful, charming, endearing, adorable, sweet, appealing, darling, lovable

Why is the SPL so boring and dull?

Football world-wide has got more boring since Sky got more and more involved. Leagues where Sky money is most heavily involved has plummeted the most - England being the biggest loser. The EPL is full of foreign players of a good standard, however, the English national side is on a downward spiral, unlike the Scottish national side who are on an upward spiral. There's a correlation there.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Would you rather a crocodile attack you or an alligator?

I would rather an alligator, as you gave me the choice of being ATTACKED by the crocodile, or HAVING the alligator.

Vacuum sealed fish thawed then refrozen?

I'd suggest opening one package and checking it...if it is VERY fishy smelling then it is bad. Fish scares me tho...personally I'd pitch it but fish is not one of my favorite foods. But I do know fish with a VERY fishy smell is not good.

Do you think Willie Randolph should be fired? If so do you think howard johnson is a posssible repacment?

While it is not Willie's fault that they are losing (he does not put on a glove any longer) he has now shown that he has no fix for what ails them the most. A change in Manager may be just what the team needs but I do not see the team making that jump just yet. If they did make the switch it would probably be HoJo's chance to turn it around unless they can find a seasoned manager to take over the riegns...maybe bring Trader Jack McKeon back into the fold!

How would you remove vomit smell from a recliner?

try spraying it with rubbing alcohol or white vinegar. i use white vinegar in my cloth diaper pail and it keeps it from smelling. the alcohol will kill the bacteria causing the smell and evaporate but it could also do color damage so beware. i use rubbing alcohol for carpet stains on a beige carpet.

What race/ethnicity am I?

either way you seem to be covered, so I wouldn't stress about it. This seems to be a bit of an issue in the USA - I'm asuming PSAT involves American residency? - so you could get away with ticking both boxes and adding a covering note expaining your unique cirstances. Shame you don't appear to be applying for educational status in Britain, as being Italian means you'd get in as of right - Common Market country and European partner. (but don't stress Nicaraguan - Central Americans, except for one former British colony, get no special visa rights). BTW , have you thought of applying for the equivalent Italian course by right of nationality, if the American immigration people get stroppy? Residency in Italy plus Italian pport means you could use it to get into Britain or Ireland, if going to an English-speaking country is important to you.

How to let my best guy friend now i like him (10 points)?

Well, it definitely sounds like he likes you, and since you like him back, that is good. Sets you up for a better situation. You and I are two lucky girls...(Me and my best guy friend like each other). There are some people who get feelings for their best friends, but the feelings are returned. Ok, so here is the thing with this type of situation. You need to take it slower than you normally would with just some other guy. It's a best friendship we are talking about. Waiting a few years is good and see how things develop between you two because they most likely will. And since you are only 15, it's the better choice. My suggestion would be to give him more obvious signs that you like him and flirt a bit. If you do that, things will gradually move forward at their own pace. I started to like my best guy friend around your age, but didn't do anything about my feelings until a year ago. I got so many people telling me to tell him how i felt but I knew I was right in letting in progress at it's own pace because currently, we are like a step away from becoming a couple. I know it may seem like it's a very long time, but if you really like this guy, and only him, it will be better not to rush things. It will all be worth it in the end! Good luck!.

I have come to the conclusion that I have a problem! Which is inhibiting my educational success and myself, ?

I have been in a trap that I was not willing to accept, because of unwillingness to be true to myself, because of that reason I have lost alot of myself. I have a drinking and drug problem that is attacked me and still doing that it has caused much pain and extreme sorrow, greif. I have been lying to mysef and am now willing to admit that there is a problem. I am not going to blame anyone, but would like to add that the environment that I was raised around has contributed to this irresponsible and inapproprate behavior. I am 23 now and on the brink of jumping over the edge of nothingness, but am realizing and still holding on to what is important to me, and that is my success to become more than what I thought was possible, to achieve what I think or thought was impossible and to prove all my critics, and statistcial coventional wisdom wrong. What is the advice in which you would give to me and please give this much thought, becase I am in need of thoughtful advice. What advice would you give to your child forsay? I am currently living in a hotel in which I paid for from savings and soon will have to think of a diffrent solution it seems as if the same old thing is repeating itself over and over again what can I do I have know family support but it really doesnt matter I am a big boy now but in my heart a little child wanting comfort, I am blind to what opportunities are avaliable to me maybe you shall allow me to see what the big picture is and give me the key to unlock the door from where I am to where I want to be, Please Help! Thanks.

Atheists why should I care if you or your family lives or dies?

I wish atheists could give you a respectful answer just because they believe in mad philosophers they can't be liberal and open minded to great questions like these.

What is the national reputation of Pi Kappa Phi?

I'm thinking about rushing them in the fall, and was curious about what you perceive to be their national reputation.

Heater Problems Need Help!!?

i have 29g tank with 6 platy,3guppies, and few mollies. I have a tetra 100watt fully submersible heater. It came with my tank. It's been running for 5 months. My water has been at 76deg, but the water feels cold. The heaters has no knob to adjust. It automatically adjusts to 76-80deg. Is there a better heater? and recommened temp for fish. And is there water cold or warm when it is at 76dec. I have one of those strip thermometer, and it tells me 76 but i think it's at 72. And will my fry die around 76deg or do they need higher temp. PLZ HELP!!!

How many of you people have became a Maverick's fan this year?

Common admit it at least 99% of you when they swept the Lakers and made the finals and now that they're 2011 champions you're probaly like "lets ride the bandwagon"

Help me pleasee!?

Ok In the jonas brothers like first song; Mandy; why'd they write it? And was it joes girlfriends, kevins girlfriend, or nicks girlfriend?

Can you just walk into a Cell phone company store with any phone and make it a prepaid phone?

I have an old smartphone (Samsung Blackjack 2) that I used to have on a 4 year contract. The contract is over - it does nothing now. I would like to use it as a prepaid phone... is this possible? Can I just go into a Rogers outlet and make it happen? I'd really rather not buy a new phone... I love this phone.

Do you weigh more during your period?

You don't weigh more. It's just bloating making you feel fat. Also,some of your clothes won't fit either.

Whats a good spa down the cape near the vineyard?

i wanna surprise my mom with a spa day when we go down to marthas vineyard next week but i dont know where we can go where its not craazzyyy expensive and i dont know if it matters for like a mage but im 17 so if they dont accept "kids" then i cant do it obviously

I want felix hernandez or jonathan broxton who do i offer?

well firstly, i think you go for Broxton, the guy is a monster. Your probably going to have to give up a category winner (crawford or quentin) OR you could try and package some upper level players (nelson cruz and dan uggla would probably be enough for me to give him up or Soto and kemp), but I think that your SP are good enough, but since marmol isnt even closing, you should get another strong RP arm.

What do you think of this little bit of my story?

its very good! except you need to paragraph desperately, because otherwise the reader would get lost in this big block of writing!! they get a little confused and lost, so thats why paragraphing helps. also, add a little more description, not just what she looks like or what shes doing, but maybe what her room looks like or smells like, what her perfume smells like (if she is wearing any - which if she is dressing up like that im guessing she would be), or stuff like that. And everything goes a little quickly for such a short section of writing. just slow down and take it easy! lol, but these are my only concerns, apart from them it is a very good piece!!

Smackdown,from The CW to myNetworkTV?

why Smackdown will move this October 3,2008 from The CW Network to myNetworkTV? i think they're better in CW...and does myNetworkTV a major network? i think there are no famous shows from that channel....but why?

What are good paper headings?

I need maybe a list of headings that I could use for school that teachers would like. I'm very tired of the "MLA" heading and I would like to try a short and formal heading. Please list some examples. Thank you.

What's wrong with my foot?

go to the doctors and tell him/her these symptoms and if they don't prescribe you something or w/e than change your health plan

Problems with the relationship with my mum?

As I suffer from a chronic illness I can understand her being irritable and snappy because the frustration of not being able to do anything is enormous not to mention living with pain. I do keep a lid on it though and maybe your Mum needs to do this. I suspect she is severely depressed and maybe, if she is willing, she should see the doctor who might be able to help her. If she refuses then maybe you should tell her that you cannot take what she is dishing out anymore and say you are going to move out unless she stops - that may give her the jolt she needs to pick herself up. Good luck and I so hope things work out for you both.

Can I get rid of unwanted glue on my car door?

There is a small line of dripped glue on my car door from where a previous owner must have tried to resecure a feature that runs along the side panels. Its just a little bit loose but even I would be happier if it was secure as it is likley to get worse over time. Apart from taking it to a garage, is there a way of removing the glue and doing the job properly, The 'feature'/piping panel is made of the same material as the car and the car is metalic baby blue and otherwise looks perfect. Thanking you in anticipation. Cat

Hlp me i dont know what to do?

ok i have a trade that someone proposed me...they want LaDainian Tomlinson...i would get steven jackson and one of the following WR's...chris chambers antwaan randel el or marvin harrison

Should I change my starting lineup for Week 1 Fantasy Football??!!?

you should keep it as is. rice is going against a week chiefs d even with haynesworth, while jackson is going up against the pats d. and out of all your wr your weakest has to be henry.

Wal Mart is offering an HP G60-519 on Black Friday for $298- will this play World of Warcraft at low settings?

Yes, this is a little bit higher than the minimum specs. Warcraft is not a very intensive games so the spec requirement is a bit low. You should be able to play with most settings around 25%

How do you apply a style in Word 2010 without removing the underlining?

There are words in the paragraph which are underlined, and applying a style to the paragraph removed the underlining on those words. How can I apply styles without removing the underlining?

I can't get my computer to shut down?

Mine does that too sometimes. It SEEMS like a program is trying to open, but just cannot. For many reasons that I am not sure of. I have to unplug mine too.

What Tupac song is this? He did his own cover?

K-DST as in the rock station? Unless I'm reading the question wrong, there was no rap/hiphop on that station....All i can remember is White Wedding and Tom Petty....good for the races...oh, and Toto for cruising to the dates. lol. I think your talking about Joe er, Woman to Woman, the most funkiest song on that station. And he uses that sample for California's all coming back lol....Oh my god I really miss that game ;(

What is the statistical survival rate of Paris Hilton making out of jail alive?

Putting her into solitary confinement or a protected portion of the jail is the worst thing they could do for her. She has been too protected her entire life. She needs to go into a cell with a woman who is about 6 feet tall/200lbs and loves to shove cookies down the throat of anorexic blonds. Bet she would never touch alcohol again.

Who's worse? Lawrence O'Donell or Bill O'Reilly?

Regardless of party affiliation or idealogical slant, which of these is more of an idiot. A self-admitted socialist or a raving ranting pseudo-intellectual. They both shout like dummies and never seem to be able to conduct an interview without shouting over the interviewee?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fat burners before puberty?

Fatburners are a bad idea period, but if you must, ask your doctor for a prescription fatburner instead of buying from the internet.

Does Sarah Palin still believe that dinosaurs were alive 6,000 years ago?

Palin used to say that dinosaurs and humans shared the earth 6,000 years ago. When asked about evidence of prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said that she had seen "pictures of human footprints inside the tracks." Does she still stand by these beliefs?

Help me name my two new pet frogs! :)?

Hiya =) I just got two new pet frogs. I’m looking for interesting names for them. I like names like Cosmo, Gomez, Felix, Pogo, and Beamer. I don’t like things like “Joe” or an everyday person name. I was also thinking about naming one Rana (frog in Spanish) and one Beka (which is frog in Hungarian.) I kind of want the names to go together. Please help me out. Its an easy 5 pointes; thanks.

What' your feeling if you have a foreigner friend?

I have a korean friend, i met her in Australia and now im in italy, i have her msn contact but she never speak to me!So im a bit angry

Who should I start???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Manning, because Washington's p defense wasn't good during the preseason. Coles, because Favre is his QB now and Miami doesn't have a great ping defense.

How many days does a german sheperd have to wait till it has puppies?

she's in heat, so if she gets pregnant, it will be about 60 days. But why are you breeding her? If it is because she has a "boyfriend" it isn't a good reason, dogs don't love eachother, they just get a nearby male/female and mate.

What do u think of this guy?

What a loser! this is NOT something a guy should say when he likes a girl (obviously has no clue how to speak to girls) next time he calls you fat say "i'm fat and your ugly...but i can diet" . If you arent interested in him then i would just ignore him and if he asks why tell him he is not worth your time

Is this right?

i am a 16 years old boy...5foot8....for about 4-5 months i have been missing lunch at school and instead playin cricket.....i eat a egg and a pint at about 7:00am ...and then eat at about that good ....i really want to get to 5'10 i feel short....and i lost 10 kgs because of this.i weigh 58kg now....does this affect growth ? and plz tell me ways to increase height please

Is 203 a good PSAT score? Could I make National Merit Scholar?

I don't know much about the PSAT of SAT. Right now I'm a sopre and made a 203 on the practice PSAT this October. I've heard National Merit Scholar is really good for getting accepted to a college. Is 203 good? What score would I need? Do you think I could make National Merit Scholar? What actions should I take to get there? Thanks!

Latest PC games that work with Intel gma950 graphics card?

i have a laptop (advent 7109) and the graphics card is intel gma 950. It is 128mb shared and can be maximised to 224mb video. The laptop is 1gb and the cpu is intel celeron 1.4ghz. I know that fifa 08 works but i was wondering if there are any other pc games that have stated on the back that the intel gma 950 graphics is compatible or list any pc games that are compatible with it.

Problems with medications?

I am having a problem i was put on geodon lisinopril and depekote and now in mornings i feel like a whole other person i do not like. Very tired lightheaded and dizzy and acting really strange. like i normally would give anything to stay as long as possible at universal orlando now after meds i dont want to stay at all and go home right away and am also very confused as if i cant figure out what i want to do at all and a few steps seems like miles and its all a haze should i stop taking this or just simply not go anywhere and what am i doing wrong? ive been on these meds for 2 weeks now

Should the Sox trade Konerko?

Do not trade the soul of the team. Konerko IS the White Sox. Good team leader and good run producer, he is the heart of the club. Trade Anderson -- he'll never be much -- or a number of other things, but not Paul. Say, the Sox are winning. Why make any moves at all right now?

Which state it the best state...?

I'm planning on leaving the state im in now, but id lke to knw wht u think about your state that makes it special and wonderful...mayb i'll be living there soon

Guys would scars put you off a girl?

No, it wouldn't put me off of her. But if your scars are causing you to have low self-confidence, why not have them removed? Scars can be removed via laser these days. It doesn't work well for minor scars, but for larger more prominent scars, it can help reduce their appearance. It's just a thought. The right guy for you won't care about scars.


ok, i hateee chris brown and like flo rida and those kind of "rappers". Does any1 know a radio station that ONLY plays rap? Like n.w.a, nas, dr dre, eminem, ice cube, etc. PLEASE ANSWER PLEASEE btw i live in machusettes or however u spell it so it needs to b able to play there. who ever answers will get 100 points.

How many kgs of bulk LPG propane equivalent to 1 cubic metre of natural gas?

I use bulk propane for heating and cooking ,a good choice at the time when natural gas was not piped into the village were i live , village now has nat gas and propane prices are increasing every time i have my tank topped up, i know how much propane I use and the cost ,i need to compare this with the cost of natural gas thanks

WR or TE start????????

Obviously some ppl don't know football and shouldnt post answers! I would certainly start TAMME especially after last weeks performance (by the way he is the guy that starts for DALLAS CLARK now...for those who don't know). Along with Tamme, I think White and Jennings are you best picks. I like Austin, but don't have faith in 67 year old Kitna to get it to him! You know? White has been remarkable..again, and Jennings will have even more looks now that Driver is out this week! So there's your top 3 (Tamme, White, Jennings). Good luck!

Has anyone else seen the previous doentary James Cameron did about the Ark?

I saw an excellent doentary that James Cameron did about the Ark of the Covenant that I thought was well researched and compelling. This gives me much more of a 'wait and see' attitude about the Jesus tomb doentary that he just did than many people seem to have. Has anyone seen the first one about the Ark, what did you think of it, and does that sway your opinion of the Jesus tomb doentary that will air soon?

Wireless card promiscuous mode?

i have a realtek oci card in my laptop and would like to use promiscuous mode on wireshark is thare a driver that will let me do this on windows?

Does any one know anything about Voltage Regulator Instrument custer? wiring?

Ok my alternator is not charging my battery on my 1976 ford maverick. changed the alternator,the regulator and the wires that come from the two still not charging the better has been tested to its good. they said it may be Voltage Regulator Instrument custer harness? does any one know anything about this or know where i could get diagram showing me how to hook this up?

What is a good skateboard for a beginner/intermediat?

what is a good skateboard for a beginner/intermediat i can do a ollie,almost heel.shovit,kick,and fakie so what is a good skateboard for me i have a world with bc trucks,bearings and wheels so what is a good board for a relitivly cheap price? the deck is it good condition so what is good bearings,trucks and wheels?

Why is a standard solution of HCl necessary?

Well, I don't know if I can answer you, but I saw something on Brainiac: "If you don't have water, put NaOH and HCl and you'll obtain salted water, I mean H2O + NaCl...

Cultivating the Compionate Mind of Enlightenment?

Buddhism for me is not a religion but a safe path to goodness and compionate mind. I have learned so many things growing up that i now have good sense of what i should do and practise. Even though born in a buddhist family, at the beginning i didn't know anything about descipline and control of mind and actions. Investigating all teachings by great masters, i now am learning my path to living a better and descent life.

How do my two 29 gallon tank look?

very nice tanks. I like both of them because they look so natural. The rocks and gravel goes very well with the black backgrounds. Keep up the great work.

MOMS: loose sagging skin?

it will get worse, yes., but stay fit during your second pregnancy(if allowed by dr) like walking everyday and doing light excercizes. Crunches will help afetr the baby is born but it depends on how much loose skin you have. After the baby is born, start exercicing as soon as the dr lets you. Good luck. If all else fails: TUMMY TUCK!♥ lol

Why do sunni hadithists sects try to propagate that Quranists reject Mohammed as a Prophet?

Hadith and Quran are 2 completely different scriptures, One has nothing to do with the other. Take any hadith and then try and find an ayat in the Quran to correspond to that hadith. You will see what i mean. I am Muslim and yes I follow the Quran. I believe Messenger Muhammad was the Messenger of Allah and He ordered all of us to follow the Quran. The messenger himself never followed anything but the Quran. If you follow anything accept the Quran (as your scripture) you are not Muslim.

If a famous person is accused of a crime, does the public automatically presume them guilty?

I suppose it depends, as for the OJ case I honestly do not think he did it, he KNOWS who did but the DNA was close just not his [imo look to his son from 1st marriage] R Kelly well again I saw the video [it was shown in all its glory in the UK] and trust me if that person was a minor she sure knew what to do and where to do it, and he was underneath so the forcing issue was a moot point, her age well trust me she did not look her age when she riding him like an express train. Then we get to MJ, well after buying off a few cases and the others going to trail TRUST me that man is guilty, just because he got away with it does not mean he did not do it so yes in that case and that case alone I think being rich / a celeb had a lot to do with the outcome.

What does all the furor over the stimulus mean for 2010? Dems now lead by only 1 pt over GOP in poll?

People are fickle. GOP figures nothing will work and why not and that way ride it to the polls. But may be the "same old same old".

Monday, August 8, 2011

How do I test a married man if he loves me or not?

sounds like he is giving you your freedom if he is telling you he wants to wait until his divorce, and doesn't want to inconvenience you by keeping you on the back burner. the best way is if he files for divorce that would show you he has future intentions with you but if he is making no plans to divorce he is probably not going to. they say if a man doesn't file in 6 months after he begins the relationship with the other woman, he isn't going to.

Where can i find the movie version of clockwork orange beethoven's ninth symphony fourth movement?

I'm looking for the song that starts when the girl is standing by the big speaker that lights up to the beat of the song and then alex is seen walking through the record shop

Is there something wrong with this formula smell?

Formula stinks and it REALLY stinks when they spit it up. One of the many advantages to feeding in my opinion. :) If the spitting up persists ask the Dr about it when you take him in for his shots if not sooner. He'll probably be taking about 2 oz or less for the first month. Whenever in doubt call the Dr. I used to drive my Dr's crazy when mine were little but that's what they're there for! As far as cleaning, wash them with warm soapy water and then boil them to sterilize them. Don't put the rings and on until they've completely dried. Congrats and good luck with your little one!

Upgrade PC - specifically graphics card?

My Jaw immediately dropped when I saw the "10GHz" for the CPU, but soon realized you meant all the cores' clock speed combined LOL! This 9800GTX+ (Link : a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) is very good and can run just about any game right now, especially since you have a Quad-Core CPU already installed in your machine. It will run much better than the 9800GT that I saw someone else post, and is well worth the bit of extra money.

My Maltese just ate some crushed red peppers (from pizza) what can I do?

She'll be fine; maybe some loose bowels. As a Maltese owner myself, I have learned that the little varments are geniuses at stealing most anything and food in particular. Mine has managed to get up on a table and steal a bag of Pita chips, has dragged my jeans off the hamper and gone through my pockets looking for treats and tried to pickpocket things from my friend's purse. Apparently this is typical Maltese behavior. They have an instinct for "Seek and ye shall find!"

How do I be in a play?

If you're doing drama at your school, ask the drama teacher when the next audition is. If there isn't drama at your school, Mapquest the nearest local community theatre, and watch out for their next audition.

Is wearing a purity ring spiritually arrogant?

I don't know what the origin of it is. Why you would think it arrogant, I don't know. I think it's really sweet.

Help! Im 16 and gay!?

go online and meet some other gay guys and have a nice chat with them you will feel better and not lonley any more :)))

Is Obama the new Carter and Bush the new Nixon?

Obama and Nixon were/are both great Presidents. Aside from Nixon's stupid useless watergate affair when he would have won in a landslide without it. Carter is a good person and the best ex president we ever had. I will not say anything about Bush.

Interventionism: What about this creation theory?

We all know about evolution and creationism, but what is the driving theory behind Interventionism, and what evidence is there to support it?

If ur smart in chemistry please helpp?

claculate the numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons for each of the following isotopes of calcium: 42 (calcium #) and 20 (atomic number) and 44 (calcium) and 20 (atomic number)

I hate the play the race card, but....?

I think that deep down inside they know he was guilty, so it's easy for them to cut him loose. AND... there's nothing anyone can do about it. Nevada courts give out LOTS of time and are notorious for resisting political winds. OJ is toast.

I Need Basic English Help?

I'm reading this novel and I don't understand what the author means when she says "thinking to bring it, a step ahead" This is where the sentence come from: The bag is biting into her fingers. She changes hands. The new Paula. Bringing a plastic bag. Thinking to bring it, a step ahead. She's rarely that skint that she can't afford the 15c bag tax. But she'd never have thought of it before, bringing the bag, before she left the house. Thanks so much.

I Need Help!!! I Tried To Buy A Car and....?

tell your dad not to sign. if he doesn't and the bank won't approve the loan, they lose. they also have to give the money back... BUT if you drove the car home, they can charge you for your use of the car.

What is Obummer going to do now that Iran is moving into a Military Dictatorship?

Will the Demo-rats bend over and apologize for ing in on their business or actually do something to protect our allies in that part of the country?

Anyone want to play with me xbox 360 live?

You can add me my gamertag is Eeesshhh. BTW you should really consider getting cod 4. The game is epic.

Is there a website were i can find women's shoes in a 12 and how do the models do it?

Alright im a 13 year old female and im 5'9 i wear a size 12 in women's shoes so it's very hard to find shoes in my size. i have only about 3 pairs of women's shoes in my closet and about 15 pairs of men shoes in my closet. I buy guy shoes but i get them in a color a women might wear. for example the last shoe i got was a hot pink DC men shoe. i found this site called were i got my DC's. i really like the new converse that stop at about your shin but i only found them in 8's in men. i like really loud shoes that are bright an have crazy designs or just cute, like the Pastry shoes by Vanessa and Angela simmons. but than again they stop at an 11. Another cool shoe i have seen before and all the rappers were are a shoe called the "Supra Muska Skytop". so basically if you can think of a brand shoe ill like or has crazy Designs like Nike's. give me some ideas. and also if there's a website for women's shoe size 12. being tall and having big feet is tough.

What is the official name of the pentagon?

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, located in Arlington County, Virginia. As a symbol of the U.S. military, "the Pentagon" is often used metonymically to refer to the Department of Defense rather than the building itself.

Have you ever been hypnotized?

I was today and it was pretty weird.. I was all up on the dude next to me because I thought he was my "teddy bear" o_o

What Would you do???

ok so today @ lunch my favorite teacher (whom of whic i think is cute LOL) was walking by me and he knows im the werid type and today i couldnt eat because we didnt have enough money to pay... soooo my friends were super nice and gave me some of their food and my friend lekresha just gave me her whole plate when she was done and shes like here have whatever you want so im like ok im starving and her plate was VERY MESSY!!!!!!!! so i was like wutev and my teacher (favorite one :)) i was like dude look at how messy they make lekreshas plate hes like oh and he was looking straight ahead and hes like oh then after lunch and recess(mind you in high school and middle school we still have recess) i went to his cl cuz that was my next cl and he was being a jerk the rest of the cl period and he knows that hes my favorite teacher and he knows that i KINDA like him and and i think hes mad at me becuase i didnt stand up for myself in cl today because my backstabbing ***** of a friend left me and lekresha for popularity(we knew she would) was saying stuff abt oh she has zits on her shoulders gross look at `em i was abt to snap at her and be like ***** please (the teacher lets me swear :)) the only reason why your pickin on me is cause you have to many insecurities of your own so you have to take it out on someone else. and the only reason megan (the back stabbing stupid hoe) wbecame popular is because shes going out with a really ******* *** ugly guy in our cl and hes really gay(not literally) and really moronic(literally mentally and physically) and she thinks shes all popular because shes the first person to have in our grade.. its so ugh!!! but anywway why do you think my teacher was being so mean? (i have a B+ and a B in his two cles i have with him)

Who should I start week 11 at QB and RB.?

Eli in a shootout. Go with the offensive powerhouses. Other game has two bad teams. Barber is playing very well and I give him a slight edge.

What Would You Do In A Situation Like This?

My brothers (God Help Them) are straight, but I am gay. Well, they keep inviting me over to their house for a party (or parties, or just to sit around and do nothing, apparently they think If I don't get out and do something I'll go crazy). And they have these guys over. I kinda am infatuated with two of their friends. I keep thinking about them and dreaming about them for some reason, I want it to stop or to get with them, but apparently that's NOT going to happen. What do I do to get them out of my head and to quit thinking about them? It's morally wrong for a gay guy to be wanting one, let alone two straight guys, especially if they are my brother's friends. What do I do?

Any recipies for edible fake blood?

I am going to be a vampire this halloween, I just saw a video on making fake blood out of corn syrup and coco powder, but they said not to ingest it. I was wondering if anyone knows any recipes for fake blood that I can drink,... or at least make it look that way.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

6flags ticket options? helpppp?

Six Flags will give you $10 off a general admission ticket if you buy it online and they are printable.

Why should people with rheumatoid arthritis not eat potatoes?

There are certain foods that contain certain "stuff" that aggravates things like arthritis. If you want a more detailed/specific answer, do a web search on Rheumatoid Arthritis and potatoes. (You can leave out the word, AND) There's a lot of info online about this. My brother has RA and tried the cave man's diet, or whatever it's called, which involved not eating potatoes and some other food. It didn't help. But everyone is different, so just because it didn't work for him, doesn't mean it wouldn't work for you. There are a lot of alternative health websites that might help with RA, too. If you haven't read about colon health, it's worth the time.

What is the climate of the ocean?

it may sound ridiculous but i have to do a project on the open ocean biome and i need to know the climate of the ocean and the geographic location, thanks in advance.

I have a question about Philippines?

Hi.. I'm Australian and I'm in the Philippines and I'd like to ask. Why is it that the Filipino's look so diverse, I mean if you've been here you know what I mean. Some look like Mexican,Indonesian some are chinky... and I was in Zamboaga the other day and I saw some girls with brown hair and brown eyes, I mean they look European.. I'm confused lol . I thought they look like Indonesian or Malaysian or somthing lol just curious ahahahhaha

Can you go to a dental place to sharpen your teeth?

I want my canine teeth sharper so its easier for me to eat meat. Can I go to a dentist for that? If ya, how much does it cost?

Risky Move I Can't Make, Girls help.?

Ok, a lot of these answers are saying flirt with her, drop hints etc.. when you,ve just said that you cant. Well, Im a bit like you, and i just imagine that I dont fancy her. That way, I can talk to her without getting nervous. Then when you get to know her as a person, follow the advise of everyone else. But to start with, just talk to her!

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...?

Whats that Skippy - Nathan is trapped down a mineshaft. And he's looking for free downloads. No chance mate!

Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer question?

My friend told me that you have to buy the map packs to play online in call of duty modern warfare 2. is that tru cuz i aint gonna buy it if its true

Maclin or Steve Smith (NYG)?

I have already clinched a playoff spot so this week doesnt matter at all. The next two do. I am set at wide receiver unless Reggie Wayne is one of the players that Indy decides to rest for the playoffs (likely). I have Jeremy Maclin (v SF, v DEN) on my bench, or I could drop him and pick up Steve Smith (@WAS, v CAR) from waivers.

Songs that fit my voice?

I like Broadway and like My HEart Will Go ON Lionel Richie and GLEE like others to sing that fit my voice i have that ya

Has mad society bad?

We all know about , some of us like it and some obssessed about it and some are disgussed of it. But do you think because of society thinks differently? I mean we see and expect things should be like in the . Women expect all men to have hugh es and guys expect women to have fantastic bodies and perfect and now relationships are based on . So what do you think? id like to know

What do you think of these 3 trades?

the first trade is kind of 50/50. but the 2nd and 3rd are definite wins for you. actually, orton is top 8 QB, try trading Ben or Vick. i don't think vick will be consistently great after he comes back.

Which girl to marry? please advice?

Try to get to know the shy one better. She will probably become a lot less shy with you. Most shy people are very different when you get to know them well. Although I don't know your financial situation, marrying you may make her less poor and therefore happier. Do you love them equally?

With yahoo messenger why cant i send ims to cricket cell phones and what other messenger services can i use?

you are suppose to be able to any cell phone. Call custumer servise to find out why. Whats a cricket cell phone? That might help. Tell me and then i can help you.