Monday, August 8, 2011

What Would you do???

ok so today @ lunch my favorite teacher (whom of whic i think is cute LOL) was walking by me and he knows im the werid type and today i couldnt eat because we didnt have enough money to pay... soooo my friends were super nice and gave me some of their food and my friend lekresha just gave me her whole plate when she was done and shes like here have whatever you want so im like ok im starving and her plate was VERY MESSY!!!!!!!! so i was like wutev and my teacher (favorite one :)) i was like dude look at how messy they make lekreshas plate hes like oh and he was looking straight ahead and hes like oh then after lunch and recess(mind you in high school and middle school we still have recess) i went to his cl cuz that was my next cl and he was being a jerk the rest of the cl period and he knows that hes my favorite teacher and he knows that i KINDA like him and and i think hes mad at me becuase i didnt stand up for myself in cl today because my backstabbing ***** of a friend left me and lekresha for popularity(we knew she would) was saying stuff abt oh she has zits on her shoulders gross look at `em i was abt to snap at her and be like ***** please (the teacher lets me swear :)) the only reason why your pickin on me is cause you have to many insecurities of your own so you have to take it out on someone else. and the only reason megan (the back stabbing stupid hoe) wbecame popular is because shes going out with a really ******* *** ugly guy in our cl and hes really gay(not literally) and really moronic(literally mentally and physically) and she thinks shes all popular because shes the first person to have in our grade.. its so ugh!!! but anywway why do you think my teacher was being so mean? (i have a B+ and a B in his two cles i have with him)

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