Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ugh starting school..i hate the people in my cl!?

okay so im going into eight grade and im starting school on wednesday. i dont know everyone whos going to be in my homeroom but people have told me about a few that will. there's these two guys. ryan and jack. see, in the summer before 7th grade, ryan liked me, but he was going out with this girl kristin (who now hates me cuz of that) so he told everyone i was his back up girl or w.e. then my friend went on my aim screen name and told kristin and it got totally screwed up so both ryan and kristin do not like me. jack also supposedly liked me that summer. well, he just liked the way i looked, so he asked me out, but i said no, cuz firstly i didnt know him that well and cuz i didnt like him. and jack and ryan are like best friends so jack found out about the whole ryan thing and he thought i had told kristin cuz thats what my "friend" had made it look like. but w.e. the point is...both ryan and jack are in my homeroom this year. AND I HAVE NO

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